Application for reimbursable aid

- That the project presented is within the values of social economy pursued by FonRedess.
- Presentation of a business plan describing in detail the idea of the project and including a financial plan.
- Presentation of a Social Guarantee.
- Completion and presentation of the documents prepared by FonRedess for the monitoring of the project.
- To authorize FonRedess to publish the grants awarded to the projects in case they are approved and to collaborate in their dissemination.

General conditions
- Applications will be considered up to a maximum of €6,000 per project and €5,000 per job created, not exceeding a total of €10,000 in aid.
- 6 months grace period for repayment.
- Interest-free repayment, except for CPI adjustments.
- 3-year maximum term for repayment of aid. by digital media and social networks.

Documentation to be submitted
- Completed application form.
- Letter of motivation of the project.
- Business plan with economic viability report.
- Social endorsement signed by person or entity partner of FonRedess.
- Photocopy of ID card / Fiscal ID of the applicant.
- Statutes if you are an organization.
* FonRedess may request additional documentation and joint social guarantees during the application evaluation process.